
How do projects get funded?

The Ventures M&A and Deal Sourcing Team actively searches for the best investment opportunities, but sometimes project owners may approach the protocol with their own proposals. In such cases, the project funding proposal will undergo internal evaluation to determine whether it is eligible for nomination and funding.

How do projects receive funding from Ventures?

Once projects are identified. There are several factors that the Ventures team considers:

  • Project name and contact information

  • Project description

  • Existing investors

  • Incorporation information (including Articles of Incorporation)

  • Project smart contract address (if it is a web3 project)

  • Finances

  • History and proof of activities

  • Any partner financier such as a bank to minimize collateral risk

Are projects only blockchain and web3 based?

No. All types of projects are sourced. The only projects excluded are companies that operate in the Tobacco, Alcohol, Gambling, Illicit Drugs, and Sex Industries.

How are projects structured for eligibilty on Ventures?

It is required that projects are registered and domiciled in the jurisdiction of their operations. OpenLaw provides some standard incorporation documents for this purpose. (see here).

Please seek legal counsel regarding any incorporation documents or questions on entity choice.

How much of my project (in terms of equity) will be transferred to the users of Ventures?

As a project submitting a funding proposal, you can determine the amount of financing you need and the percentage of your project that you're willing to offer in return. If you're uncertain about these details, Ventures can provide support by using financial modelling best-practices to assess the value each project.

After a potential project submits an application, can the project change the information that was submitted?

Yes. If a project wishes to change any information that was submitted during the application process, it can do so by contacting us at

How does a project withdraw from Venture Funds?

During the investment period, potential projects will have the ability to withdraw their funding proposal from Ventures by submitting a Request to Cease Contract.

Through a smart contract cancel Proposal function, projects are able to remove their application from consideration for funding from Ventures.

Who can view information included in project funding proposals?

Project proposals are public. However certain agreements and materials that are submitted to ukiyo Ventures are restricted to applicants and ukiyo Labs internal staff. Potential users who are interested in investing in projects may request additional information by contacting:

Last updated