Due Diligence

What information will users receive from projects?

For any projects that apply for investment through Ventures, applicants are expected to submit relevant information about their project, including a background of founders, pitch deck, and relevant financial information. The ukiyo team will then review and evaluate the project proposal, conducting due diligence to ensure that it meets the standards and requirements of ukiyo Ventures.

In the case of a mature company that is seeking equity financing, the Ventures team will seek to negotiate superior terms based on financial forecasts, business model, industry placement, and potential ROI's (Return on Investment).

It is important to note that Ventures' business model is primarily based on sourcing projects internally rather than being open to accepting outside proposals.

If a user believes or is concerned that additional information should be collected from a project, the user may contact the project directly, or ask Ventures to obtain the information requested.

Users also have the option to individually conduct due diligence on the projects applying for financing through Ventures. ukiyo provides various ways for users to interact with applicants, including email and internal Discord and Slack channels for each project. If needed, ukiyo can also arrange meetings or other interactions with applicants that are being considered for investment by members.

Last updated