Investment Types

The following documents provide information on what types of investment opportunities users may be able to access through Ventures upon its release.

Equity Financing

Investment opportunities available on Ventures will often be "co-backed" by leading venture capital firms and investment banks, and allow for later stages of funding such as Series A, B, C, or D, which means projects have already raised significant capital from institutional investors. However, past opportunities are not a guarantee of future opportunities.

Ventures aims to exclusively offer private security offerings for companies raising capital.

U.S. Case Study: Reg D offerings. There are two types of Reg D offerings available on the platform, including 506(b) and 506(c). 506(b) offerings are private and can only be shared with investors with whom the issuer or ukiyo Labs has a pre-existing substantive relationship. All investors are required to self-verify their accredited investor status. On the other hand, 506(c) offerings are public and can be shared and advertised to anyone, and all users must provide substantive documentation to verify their accredited investor status.


When a company is just starting out, it may struggle to access funding and other sources of support. Banks and institutional investors are often hesitant to invest in such early-stage companies due to their lack of established history or track record of success. In such cases, many startup executives turn to personal connections, such as family and friends, for initial investments. This initial financing is commonly referred to as seed capital.

Seed capital is raised by a business in its early stages and typically covers only essential expenses such as business plans, rent, equipment, payroll, insurance, or research and development costs (R&D). The primary goal of securing seed capital is to attract more financing, which can be achieved by catching the interest of venture capitalists and banks. This is where ukiyo Ventures users can play a pivotal role as a bridge between financing and disruptive business ideas.

Blockchain and Web3

There are various methods for engaging in crypto investing, including through securities offerings like those hosted by ukiyo Ventures, as well as centralized exchanges (initial exchange offerings or IEOs) and decentralized exchanges (initial DEX offerings or IDOs). Once tokens are acquired, they can be traded on secondary marketplaces like centralized and decentralized exchanges. Some cryptocurrencies can also be obtained as a reward for participating in blockchain/DeFi protocols and dApps. It's worth noting that the regulatory status of token sales is still unclear and may vary depending on the specifics of each case, but in many instances, securities laws may be applicable.

Real Estate

How will Ventures select investment properties?

Our approach to real estate investment prioritizes a strategy that enables us to make advantageous purchases, implement effective asset management, and timely disposition of assets. We carefully evaluate each real estate project against specific criteria before making the decision to list offerings on ukiyo Ventures.

If Ventures offerings are hosted by affiliated entities, they must meet the standards of those entities' due diligence procedures.

Last updated